As remote working rises to prominence, the need of digital solutions to carry out business functions has been increasing. Work-from-home is the new normal which has eliminated almost all physical tasks like document storage in drawers, ink signing of papers, face-to-face onboarding of employees and more. Covid has impacted the business landscape in unimaginable ways. However, with changing times we ought to adapt, therefore, in such a business landscape we require to switch to digital solutions that to help us carry out daily tasks, seamlessly and effortlessly.
E-signature or Digital Signature is one such service that facilitates signing of documents overcoming the challenge of being physically present. Digital signature services allow you and your businesses to sign documents on the go and facilitates quick approval and decision making in the organization and with clients/vendors, hence saving time. Digital Signature helps increase productivity and cuts down printing, scanning, courier and other paper-related costs.
Digital Signatures have an essential role to play in the HR department. With digital signatures, true digitisation & automation can be reached e.g. employee onboarding process - all legal (offer letter, COC, NDA etc) and statutory documents (PF, Gratuity, ESIC forms etc) can be digitally generated and digitally signed. In the current context where majority of the people are working from home, new joiners are joining organisations from remote locations (or from their home), it has become absolutely essential to deploy digital signature technology along with digital and automated processes to ensure smooth process experience and fully compliant status of the process.
Kleeto offers reliable ‘Digital Signature’ services to all its clients to ensure smooth processes without worrying about security issues. We have deployed digital signature technology for HR use cases (statutory & legal documents), however the same can also be used for non-HR scenarios in business e.g. legal documents (agreements, contracts, NDA, MoUs etc), financial transactions e.g. invoices and so on.
Kleeto Digital Signature Technology has the following capabilities:
1. Documents generation from pre-defined templates
2. Document upload for digital signatures
3. Creation of workflow (static or dynamic) to handle flow of documents from one stakeholder to
4. Recording document signature details as logs
Some typical benefits of using Kleeto’s digital signature services are:
1. It allows all
statutory and legal documents to be signed by employees or other stakeholders using digital
signature (eSign)
2. These signatures are legally valid as per IT Act 2010 in court of law and government departments
3. No need to take printout - no need for physical signature
4. Documents stay digital and we can create multiple copies of the document
5. Digital signature ensures that documents are tamper proof and can't be changed once digitally
6. Complete audit trail of digital signature process steps stored in the system for legal
7. Convenience for all stake holders - can be used from anywhere and anytime
Digital signature is a really important tool in today’s business landscape as all organizations are moving towards a paperless company. Switching to smart business document management solutions with Kleeto will not only give you a competitive edge but also benefit your company in the longer run.
Opt for digital signature services for your business documents and departments, today!
Kleeto aims to provide intelligent document management solutions that build smart documents for today’s businesses.